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quarta-feira, novembro 05, 2008

Yes We Can - Sim nós podemos!

Sabiam que a campanha eleitoral nos Estados Unidos da América terminou e que os resultados já saíram? O candidato eleito foi o Sr. Obama.
Claro que as decisões do novo presidente irão influenciar o nosso planeta, tal como as decisões do presidente anterior (Sr. Bush). Encontrei este site na internet interessantíssimo, onde podemos saber a relação entre decisões políticas e o ambiente. De que forma ficará ou fica a Natureza mediante determinados actos pré e pós eleitorais?

Aqui ficam algumas "coisinhas":

"America embraced change today. And the planet will be better for it."
-LCV president Gene Karpinski

McCain Embracing Outdated Energy Policy
WASHINGTON, DC – The League of Conservation Voters responded today to the twisted logic behind Senator John McCain’s press availability, during which he called for more drilling in coastal waters while, in the same breath, calling for renewable energy sources to reduce global warming pollution.
“Just mentioning the words ‘renewable energy’ doesn’t hide the fact that Senator McCain is now embracing the outdated energy policies of the past,” LCV President Gene Karpinski said. “If Senator McCain is serious about ending our addiction to oil and helping working families with inefficient cars, why has he voted against or missed every fuel efficiency bill since 1990? Drilling in protected areas offshore won’t solve our energy needs in the short term and in the long term, will increase the threat of global warming. We need to break our addiction to oil — not look for another fix.”

The League of Conservation Voters has endorsed Sen. Barack Obama for President because his plan to stop global warming pollution will break America’s addiction to oil and will create jobs across the country. Moreover, Sen. Obama’s plan is more than words, it is backed by a strong environmental voting record and forward-looking policy proposals for America’s renewable energy future.
In his time in the U.S. Senate, Sen. Obama has been a consistent supporter and co-sponsor of pro-environment legislation, serving as a strong advocate for the environment. In the Illinois Senate, then State Sen. Obama earned a 100 percent “Environmental Voting Record Award” from the Illinois Environmental Council in 20031, which highlights his commitment to the environment at every step of his political career.
Obama has shown strong commitment to renewable energy. From 2005 to 2007, LCV scored 12 key oil-related votes, and Sen. Obama voted pro-environment every single time, making it back to Washington in the midst of the presidential primary campaign last year to cast his vote in favor of renewable energy2. Sen. Obama has set a strong goal of getting 25 percent of our electricity from clean energy by 2025.3
Obama committed to cutting America’s addiction to oil and creating new green collar jobs. Sen. Obama has proven this commitment to renewable energy by voting to repeal tax credits for Big Oil and to override the filibuster against the renewable electricity standard.4 Sen. Obama’s plan will help create 5 million new green collar jobs, through investments in renewables, fuel economy and energy efficiency.5
Obama’s votes on global warming and his policies show leadership and science-based solutions. Sen. Obama understands the threat of global warming and the urgent need for action. He plans to use the revenue from the emissions allowance auctions to support development of clean energy and to address transition costs, including helping workers adjust.6
Obama proved his support for raising CAFE standards by voting to support new, higher standards, and by discussing the issue in speeches to special interest groups. Sen. Obama has voted purposefully and persistently to raise fuel efficiency standards for vehicles, and gave a bold speech to the Detroit Economic Club about the need to raise auto efficiency standards.7 He has set a strong goal of doubling the fuel efficiency of our cars in 18 years, which would reduce oil consumption by at least 35 percent, or 10 million barrels per day.8 Sen. Obama has not pandered to Big Oil with a gimmicky gas tax holiday.
Unlike McCain, who has flip-flopped on the issue, Obama has stood firm against pressure from Big Oil to drill in our sensitive coastal waters. As Sen. Obama looks to the future in supporting the use of renewable energy, increasing CAFE standards, and implementing a mandatory cap and trade on emissions, he knows we cannot achieve these goals while maintaining our addiction to oil. In 2006, Sen. Obama rejected efforts to open up 8 million acres off the coasts of Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana for oil and gas drilling.9 Even today, Sen. Obama has continued to be honest with the American people, opposing efforts such as offshore drilling and gas tax holidays which pander to Big Oil but do nothing to help reduce gas prices.10
As part of his long-term commitment to public health and environmental justice, Obama has repeatedly voted to ensure clean water for all Americans. In 2005, Sen. Obama voted in favor of an amendment that would include $900 million over six years to manage flooding and pollution caused by runoff from roads and highways in the transportation bill.11 He also voted to reject an EPA rule that would delay enforcing meaningful reductions in mercury emissions from coal-burning power plants.12

While the League of Conservation Voters recognizes Sen. John McCain is a candidate who is willing to engage in discussions on global warming, energy, and the environment, he repeatedly clings to outdated policies and flip-flops on core environmental issues. In his 25 years in Congress, McCain has faced 294 crucial environmental votes and he voted in favor of the environment only 71 times -- earning a lifetime score from LCV of just 24 percent.
In 2007, Sen. McCain scored 0 percent, due to missing all 15 votes scored, including the key vote on repealing tax giveaways to Big Oil -- a measure that failed by just one vote.1 This year, instead of exerting leadership on the key energy challenges facing the nation, Sen. McCain has offered a series of harmful policy proposals recycled from the Bush administration including an massive expansion of offshore drilling and major tax breaks for oil companies.2
McCain has rejected even the weakest renewable energy programs. Sen. McCain voted against giving increased funding to solar and renewable energy programs in 1994 and 1999.3 In 2005, he voted against a national renewable electricity standard (RES) that would have required utilities to get 10 percent of their electricity from alternative energy.4 Last year, he missed all of the renewable electricity votes.5 Sen. McCain supports giving billions of dollars in subsidies to the nuclear industry while actively opposing similar support for wind and solar energy.6 Renewable energy must be an essential part of any global warming plan, yet Sen. McCain has stood in the way of such progress throughout his career.7
McCain has blown many opportunities to improve fuel efficiency standards. Although increasing the fuel efficiency of vehicles would decrease our dependence on foreign oil and help consumers save money at the pump, Sen. McCain has repeatedly voted against raising efficiency standards.8 Even today, with record oil and gas prices, Sen. McCain still opposes setting a specific target for an increase in fuel efficiency standards.9 Further, Sen. McCain has proposed extending the Bush administration’s policy of rewarding Big Oil, even at a time when they are enjoying record profits, by proposing $3.8 billion in new tax breaks to oil companies.10
Despite early leadership on global warming, McCain’s policies fall short of what science shows is necessary. The international scientific consensus indicates that the U.S., along with other developed nations, must reduce emissions at least 80 percent by 2050 to have any chance of averting the worst impacts of climate change. Sen. McCain, like President Bush, supports measures that fall far short of where the science says we need to be.11
McCain and Bush do oil company bidding. Even though in May, Sen. McCain said drilling off our coasts and in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge will do nothing to lower gas prices, just six weeks later he decided to pander to oil companies and called for drilling off our protected coasts.12 Fellow Republican, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, said: “Anyone who tells you that this will bring down our gas prices immediately or any time soon is blowing smoke. America is so addicted to oil it will take us years to wean ourselves from it and to look for new ways to feed our addiction is not the answer.”13
McCain insists nuclear energy is a safe form of clean energy—as a long as it’s not in his backyard. Sen. McCain has adamantly expressed his support for storing nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain.14 However, when asked in an interview if he would be comfortable with nuclear waste traveling through Arizona to get to Yucca Mountain, he responded, “No, I would not.”15
McCain’s support for tax breaks to Big Oil and nuclear show disdain for renewables. Sen. McCain has failed to vote for opportunities to repeal at least $13 billion in subsidies for Big Oil implemented by Bush-Cheney, including a 2007 version to create a clean energy fund that failed by just one vote.16 His tax plan would generate an additional $3.8 billion in tax breaks for the five largest oil companies.17 He supports increasing massive subsidies for the nuclear power industry.18 He opposes any tax breaks for wind, solar and other forms of clean energy.19
McCain opposes major efforts to protect clean water. In Congress, Sen. McCain cast 10 votes against clean water, including against drinking water protection and enforcement, controlling microbes in water, and funds for water pollution control, and in favor of delaying funds for leaking underground storage tanks and allowing municipalities to set their own standards for toxic waste.20

Mediante estes dois últimos textos escritos a verde claro, só me resta dizer que a vitória do Sr. Obama só trará vantagens ambientais e que os habitantes dos EUA se tornaram sensatos! Claro que o Sr. eleito terá um trabalho muito grande anterior a estas concretizações para refazer o que ficou mal feito...
Nota: para traduzirem os textos de Inglês para Português, é só clicarem aqui e transceverem os mesmos.

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